Industry News
Momentum for higher welfare broiler chicken grows in US
Nine new leading food businesses join the US Working Group for Broiler Welfare
Read moreWhole Foods Joins Group to Fast-Track Chicken Welfare With Perdue
Companies that purchased 540 million pounds of chicken last year say they’re focusing on animal welfare.
Read moreSupermarket food could soon carry eco-labels, says study
Supermarket shoppers could soon be checking the environmental impact of food before putting it in their trolleys, thanks to new research.
Read moreVeggie sausages and burgers up to ten times better for environment than meat, study finds
A huge study of the environmental impact of 57,000 food products in the UK and Ireland has highlighted the extent to which plant-based meat alternatives are better for the planet than consuming meat.
Read moreSea food producers receives Special Recognition Award
The globe’s largest producer of Atlantic salmon has received a Special Recognition Award from Compassion in World Farming in this year’s Good Farm Animal Welfare Awards
Read moreCarbon-neutral eggs going down a storm
Companies in the UK are at the forefront of bringing to the market carbon-neutral eggs, cutting out bought-in feed, which typically makes up more than 85% of an egg’s carbon footprint.
Read moreWhy Morrisons’ insect-fed eggs could be just the beginning
There is one area where edible insects are gaining real traction: animal feed.