We are pleased to announce that Domino’s Pizza Enterprise has just published its higher welfare standards for pigs and sows for their European supply chains (France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Luxembourg): the Domino’s Pork Commitment.

Addressing key welfare issues for pigs and sows
Domino’s Pork Commitment consists of criteria covering all main aspects of pig welfare:
- space, with a reduced stocking density
- confinement, with a ban on all cages for sows (both farrowing cages and individual sow stalls)
- a stimulating environment, with the provision of organic manipulable material at all times and for all animals, including appropriate nesting substrate for sows
- comfort, with a compulsory monitoring of temperature and atmosphere parameters
- mutilations, with a ban of physical castration, as well as routine tail docking and teeth clipping
The chain wants to meet these ambitious criteria for 100% of their European pig supply chain by 2026.
Improving welfare across species
Domino’s Pizza Enterprise, the exclusive master franchise for the Domino's brand network in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and Luxembourg, is committed to improve welfare standards for all its meat and fish products working in close collaboration with Compassion.
Domino’s has already committed to go free-range on their shell eggs, egg products and ingredients by 2025.
In 2020, the brand joined the Better Chicken Commitment for their European supply chain, and now they are furthering their welfare commitments with this latest pledge.
Dr Tracey Jones, Global Director of Food Business at CIWF said: "We wholeheartedly congratulate Domino’s for taking the initiative to set higher welfare standards for their pigs and sows, addressing key issues such as confinement and the need to provide them with a stimulating environment.
“Now that new welfare standards have been established for the chickens and pigs in their supply, we look forward to continuing our partnership with them to introduce better standards for other species. We hope that other companies will follow their excellent example.